
Resources. bold (and kind) thinking. I believe the search for the essence and the essential is key to create better business and a more meaningful work experience. If you think the same, here you can find more food for your thoughts on these drops of conte

About me

Brand Strategist with 15+ years of international experience in Branding, Marketing, and Communication Strategy, I'm an Advertising professional with a Business Management MBA, Postgraduate degrees in Marketing and Psychology and Wellness Science, and a specialization

How flexible should be the brand playbook? | The Brave New Brand

It was almost an oracle, carrying the blood and tears of all the marketing department and brand agencies that dedicated months and months to the task of having that set of rules approved. That obviously has changed with time.


A digital Brand Gardian page will guarantee that marketing teams and independent professionals would be able to navigate and implement your strategy in the future. Hire Consulting Package. How exactly. is the process.

The Brave New Brand

"She successfully developed a potent name and brand, as well as redefined our marketing offer.

5 Steps to check if you are building a strong brand | The Brave New Brand

Answering how much money the brand will bring to the organization next month or how much that marketing activation will sum into the brand value could be a heated discussion (at science fiction level sometimes) between marketing and finance.